Citibank Swift Code

Citibank SWIFT Code

Branch Name Branch Address Branch Code Swift Code
Citi Bank Khalid IBN Al Walid Street, Dubai, United Arab Emirates XXX CITIAEADXXX

Citibank Debit Card

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Citibank BIC code?
Ans: Citibank swift code stands for an identification BIC code which is same for all the branches. The code is a combination of the country code, location code, branch code, and code status.

Q2: Can I use the same swift code for all the Citibank branches in the UAE?
Ans: Yes, the same swift code can be used for all the Citibank branches in the UAE.

Q3: How do I check my Citibank swift code for my branch?
Ans: You can go to the bank’s website or open one of your monthly statements to check Citibank swift code in just a few clicks. 

Q4: Is Citibank bic code different from Citibank swift code?
Ans: No, Citibank swift codes and bic codes are same. 

Q5: Is Citibank swift code same for all the branches?
Ans: Yes, Citibank swift code and bic codes are same for all the branches. However, the branch code differs. 

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