Dubai First Swift Code

Dubai First SWIFT Code

Branch Name Branch Address Branch Code Swift Code
Dubai First  Burjuman Office Tower, level 22, Dubai, United Arab Emirates XXX EBILAEADXXX

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Dubai First BIC code?
Ans: Dubai First swift code, also called as Dubai First bic code is an identifier, which is same for all its branches. It is a combination of branch code, country code, location code, and code status of the bank. The Dubai First swift code is EBILAEADXXX.

Q2: Where can I find Dubai First swift code for a specific branch?
Ans: Dubai First swift codes are mentioned on the monthly bank statements and the bank’s website. You can check any of these two to get easy access to the Dubai First swift code for your branch. 

Q3: Is Dubai First swift code same for all the branches in the UAE?
Ans: Yes, the Dubai First swift code is same for all the bank branches in the UAE. However, the branch code at the end of the swift code is different for all the branches.

Q4: Is Dubai First swift code different from Dubai First bic code?
Ans: No, Dubai First swift codes and bic codes are not different from each other. 

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