HSBC Bank Swift Code


Branch Name Branch Address Branch Code Swift Code
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation HSBC Tower, Emaar Square, PO BOX 66, Downtown DISTR, Dubai, United Arab Emirates XXX BBMEAEADXXX

Open HSBC Bank

HSBC UAE BIC Codes for Other Branches

Branch Name City Branch Code Branch Address Swift Code
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Sharjah SHJ Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates BBMEAEADSHJ
HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Abu Dhabi ABU HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates BBMEAEADABU
HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Ras Al Khaimah RKS HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, RAS Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates BBMEAEADRKS
HSBC Bank Middle East Limited Fujairah FUJ HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates BBMEAEADFUJ
Securities Brokerage Dubai BDU Securities Brokerage, Dubai, United Arab Emirates BBMEAEADBDU
DIFC Branch Dubai DIF DIFC Branch, Dubai, United Arab Emirates BBMEAEADDIF

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is HSBC swift code?
Ans: HSBC swift code, also called as HSBC BIC code is a unique identification code for all the HSBC branches. This code is a combination of branch code, location code, country code, and code status. The HSBC swift code is BBMEAEAD.

Q2: Where can I find my HSBC UAE swift code?
Ans: You can find the HSBC UAE swift code on the bank’s website or on one of your bank statements.

Q3: Is HSBC Bank swift code same for all the branches?
Ans: Yes, the HSBC swift code is same for all its branches. However, the branch code added at the end of the swift code is different for all the branches. 

Q4: Are HSBC swift code and bic code same?
Ans: Yes, HSBC swift code and bic code are same. 

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