Owing to the large number of banks and financial institutions in the UAE, you can find numerous excellent options for credit cards. These cards are quite useful, as you can use them to easily make transactions - both online and offline - and enjoy ‘buy now pay later’.
However, it is equally important to make credit card bill repayments on time so that you don’t end up incurring hefty penalties in the form of late fees, high interest, and more. When you regularly clear your credit card bills on time, you establish yourself as a creditworthy individual, which can save your credit score from sliding down - this, in turn, can be of immense help when you apply for new credit in the future.
In the UAE, credit card payments can be made in many ways. In this article, we will narrow down to automatic credit card payments or auto debit payments for credit cards.
Auto debit is also referred to as direct debit and several other terms. The concept behind this, however, remains the same across most credit card providers - you can use it to pay your credit card bills through your savings account.
Once you set up an auto debit payment, your credit card issuer will automatically utilise funds from your registered bank account to settle the bills as per your instructions.
The process of setting up automatic credit card payments, varying as per the credit card provider, is quite easy. In most cases, you would be able to set up auto debit payments by logging into your online banking or mobile banking account. Once done, you can choose your monthly payment amount and link your bank account. It’s worth noting that the monthly withdrawal system is flexible and that you can always stop using this service or change the specifics.
Keep in mind that while most credit card providers allow you to set up automatic credit card payments via mobile or online banking, some would require you to visit your nearest bank branch and submit a direct debit mandate form.
Check out some of the key advantages of using auto debit payments for credit card bills in this section –
With the auto debit feature for credit cards, you can now easily make automatic credit card payments. Using this feature is quite easy, as you can simply use online banking or mobile banking, or visit a nearby bank branch to set up the same. Once done, you won’t have to worry about remembering the due dates for credit card payments each time.
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