Do you usually end up spending more than your salary? Do you often borrow money from a friend or a family member or an acquaintance? If the answer to either of the question is yes, you should consider buying a credit card. A credit card is a good way of receiving extra money every month with an interest-free period of up to 55 days, which means that you can spend the money now and repay the borrowed amount later. If you are considering purchasing a credit card, you should consider purchasing CBI credit cards.
While borrowing money from friends and family is easier and sometimes a cheaper option, it comes with several disadvantages. For instance, your friend might constantly nag you for returning the money, and you can’t blame him for doing so. A relative might constantly ask you to return the money. And sometimes, this process of borrowing and returning money turns bitter or a matter of gratitude and thanklessness. Purchasing a CBI credit card ensures that once you have paid your debt, you are no longer ‘in debt’. Besides, it makes you self-dependent.
When you purchase a credit card from any bank or financial institution, your credit card provider charges you a certain annual charge for the credit card and services. Many people hesitate in buying a credit card since they do not want to pay for receiving or using a credit card. If you are worried that using a credit card is going to cost you, think again! CBI offers CBI free for life credit cards which means that neither the bank will charge you any joining fee nor you will require paying an annual credit card fee. What’s more? These CBI free for life credit cards not only provide you with loans but also offer you amazing credit offers at no annual fee.
You mean besides the benefits it already offers, right? Here are some of the CBI free for life credit cards with their benefits:
With CBI First Credit Card, you will receive numerous benefits on spends throughout the year without paying an annual fee.
Features of CBI First Credit Card:
CBI Rewards Platinum Credit Card is one of the CBI no annual fee credit cards which not only saves your money but also offers you some exciting offers.
CBI MasterCard Titanium is another CBI free for life credit card that comes with some crucial financial solutions and useful benefits that will reduce your expenses.
CBI First Credit Card |
CBI Rewards Platinum Credit Card |
CBI MasterCard Titanium |
Supplementary Card (first 3 cards free) |
AED 105 |
AED 26.25 |
AED 26.25 |
Interest on Retail Transactions per month |
2.99% |
3.45% |
3.45% |
Cash Transactions |
2.99% |
3.75% |
3.75% |
Balance Transfer |
0% for 3 months |
Balance transfer EMI based |
0.99% up to 36 months |
Cash Advance Limit |
50% |
Cash Advance Fee |
3.15% min AED 105 |
Late Payment Fee |
AED 230.00 |
Card Replacement/Reissuance Fee |
AED 78.75 |
Duplicate Statement Fee |
AED 47.25 |
CBI free for life credit cards will save you money on spending while offering you attractive benefits on lifestyle, shopping, fitness, dining, and hotels. If you are looking for CBI credit cards with no annual fee, the above cards are the best option for you. To apply for CBI free for life credit cards, you can visit the CBI bank’s website and apply for the card after filling the e-form. Alternatively, you can apply for CBI credit cards from our website as well. Visit our credit card page and apply for a CBI credit card in less than a minute.