A credit card is your reliable friend when you require paying for bills that you cannot afford at the time of purchase. Using a FAB credit card you can pay for utility bills or shopping bills at the moment and make the FAB Credit Card bill payment later.
UAEFTS (United Arab Emirates Fund Transfer System) is Real Time Gross settlement system that allows you to make transactions from one bank to the other. Since the platform is owned and hosted by the Central Bank of the UAE, it is one of the safest methods of making your credit card link' href='https://www.paisabazaar.ae/credit-cards/fab-credit-cards-bcc/'>fab credit card bill payment. This facility can also be used to make your FAB Credit Card Bill Payment via exchange house. Please confirm with the exchange house if it facilitates FAB credit card bill payments before initiating the payment. You can also check the list of FAB bank’s exchange house partners below:
Please note that you may require paying extra charges levied by the exchange house for using this platform.
The advantages of using the UAEFTS platform to make FAB credit card bill payments are:
Though the flexibility offered by the platform makes it attractive, there are some drawbacks of using this facility:
To enhance your credit card payment experience, First Abu Dhabi Bank lets you choose between offline and online modes to make FAB credit card bill payments.
The offline payment options offered by the bank allow you to make secured FAB credit card bill payments directly at the branch. You may use a cheque or cash deposit to pay the bill offline.
FAB Credit Card Payment by Cheque
Paying via cheque is one of the methods which allow you to make FAB Credit Card bill payment offline. To use this method:
Please note that the FAB cheque will be cleared within 24 hours while other bank’s cheques may take up to 3 working days for clearing the payment. You are advised to deposit the cheque at least 4 working days before the due date.
FAB Credit Card Payment by Cash
Many people in the UAE prefer to make their FAB credit card bill payments offline via cash. This is the fastest way of clearing your outstanding payments since the amount is deposited to the account instantly and the bank confirms your payment right away.
Gone are the days when you needed to personally visit the bank branch for making even the smallest payments. FAB allows you to make your FAB credit card payment online. Irrespective of the time or the day you can make your credit card bill without any hassle. You can make FAB credit card payment online in the UAE using these methods:
How to Pay Your Credit Card Bill FAB Mobile App
FAB Mobile App gives you the freedom of managing your credit card and bank account at your convenience. To make FAB Credit Card bill payment using FAB Mobile App:
FAB Credit Card Payment through Online Banking
FAB Credit Card Payment through Auto Debit
Why worry about making a fixed credit card payment installment every month? FAB gives you the facility of auto-debit which allows you to link your FAB credit card payment with your FAB account. Once you have specified the monthly cycle and the amount to be deducted monthly, the bank will deduct the amount from your bank account automatically. Select Auto Debit and put your mind at ease.
Account transfer from another bank
Not a FAB accountholder? No problem! You can choose to make FAB credit card bill payments from other bank accounts. All you need to do is:
Please note that since the payment is not facilitated by FAB, it may take some time for your bank to transfer the amount. You can choose an alternative option to make instant payment:
FAB Credit Card Payment through Phone Wallet
The phone wallet is one of the most popular methods of making FAB credit card bill payments online. Since phone wallet is a wider platform, payments can be made in less than a minute for your FAB Credit card bill. You can use phone wallets such as Apple Pay, EWallet, Emirates Digital Wallet LLC and Klip, Google Pay, PayBy, and Samsung for quick online transactions.
Usually, banks do not prefer to receive direct payment from another bank’s credit card to prevent fraud, you can make FAB Credit Card bill payments from another bank’s credit card in case of an emergency via cash or balance transfer facility available on your credit card.
Credit cards in the UAE provide you the facility of borrowing cash from the bank through an ATM. You can use this facility to borrow cash and make direct FAB credit card bill payments offline at FAB’s branch.
A balance transfer is a more professional method of transferring money from one credit card to the other. You can use other bank’s credit card to avail of this facility following this process:
It is advised that you use this facility only if you are not able to make the minimum payment since this method merely shifts your debt and provides you some more time. Also, in long run, this may affect your credit Score.
Please note that you may choose to make complete payment on your FAB credit card outstanding or you can choose to pay the minimum amount or more. However, if you choose the latter option, you will require paying interest rates on the pending payment.