It’s no secret that credit cards now come with a long list of value-added benefits that makes getting them even more worth your while. From complimentary movie tickets to free-flying, you can get almost everything as a free service or benefit with your credit card. HSBC credit cards are some of these exceptional cards that come with an array of value-added benefits. One of the most prominent complimentary benefits that you receive here is the travel insurance cover for travel inconveniences and emergencies. Let’s examine the different HSBC travel insurance credit cards, and the kind of benefits they offer apart from travel insurance.
There are only two credit cards offered by HSBC which come with the complimentary travel inconvenience insurance benefit. Following are all the details that you need to know about these HSBC credit cards:
The HSBC Black credit card is one of the most exemplary credit cards offered by HSBC. It is made with metal instead of the classic flexible plastic material. This HSBC travel insurance credit card comes with a series of travel and lifestyle benefits apart from the insurance itself. It is available for all eligible applicants to get and can be both locally and internationally.
Featured & Benefits offered by this HSBC travel insurance credit card:
Minimum Required Income: AED 50,000
Annually Applied Fee on the Card: AED 1.575
Minimum Required Age Limit: 21 years
You can enjoy premier benefits with this special HSBC premier credit card that comes with an added complimentary travel insurance in UAE. This HSBC travel insurance credit card is only offered to the folks who already have a Premier account with HSBC bank. There are several unique benefits attached to this particular HSBC credit card such as free WiFi anywhere in the world, complimentary valet parking, etc.
Featured & Benefits offered by this HSBC travel insurance credit card:
Minimum Required Income: AED 50,000
Annually Applied Fee on the Card: No fee is applicable
Minimum Required Age Limit: 21 years
HSBC travel insurance credit cards only come with two premium options. However, both these travel credit cards in the UAE offer significantly great services and prominent value-added benefits. The lesser options here make it easy to choose if your top priority is buying a travel credit card in the UAE with HSBC travel insurance. Make sure you compare the benefits and terms of both these cards properly before making a decision. Take a little assistance from PaisaBazaar UAE and compare different HSBC travel insurance credit cards swiftly and conveniently.