Having a credit card provides you with financial backup and optimizes your purchasing power. However, you need to be extremely cautious when it comes to making credit card bill payments. To make the process of Standard Chartered credit card bill payment more convenient and faster, Standard Chartered bank offers multiple platforms. Knowing these platforms will allow you to choose the best suitable option and make the payment easily.
UAEFTS stands for United Arab Emirates Fund Transfer System. Owned and controlled by the Central Bank of the UAE, UAEFTS is a Real-Time Gross Settlement system that lets you transfer your funds from one bank to the other safely. You can also use this system to make your Standard Chartered credit card Bill payment through an exchange house. Before, making the payment please ensure that the exchange house supports Standard Chartered Credit Card payments.
The exchange house may charge you an additional fee for facilitating the payment.
Before you use UAEFTS, it may be useful to consider the advantages and disadvantages of using this platform.
While UAEFTS is a flexible platform to make your payments across banks, there are several disadvantages you should know before using it:
To simplify Standard Chartered Credit Card payment, Standard Chartered bank provides you with a wide range of options. Using these options you can choose to make your Standard Chartered Credit card bill payment online or offline.
You can make your Standard Chartered Credit Card payment offline by locating the nearest Standard Chartered bank branch. The offline platform provides you with options to make credit card payments i.e. cheque and cash.
Standard Chartered Credit Card Payment by Cheque
You can make Standard Chartered Credit Card payments offline conveniently using a cheque. To write a cheque in your bank’s favour:
Please note that it may take 24 hours to clear your Standard Bank account cheque. In case it is a non-Standard Chartered Bank cheque, it may take up to 3 working days for the bank to receive the payment. To prevent late fees and penalties, deposit the cheque at least 3 days before the due date.
Standard Chartered Credit Card Payment by Cash
Paying Standard Chartered Credit Card bills via cash is one of the most preferred methods when it comes to offline payments in the UAE. You can visit the bank and deposit the cash in CDM This type of payment is cleared instantly and you will be confirmed by the bank right away.
As a Standard Chartered Credit Card owner, you also receive the facility to make your credit card payment online instead of visiting the bank branch every time. Multiple platforms will let you make your Standard Chartered Credit Card Bill payment in few minutes. Besides, opting for online payment methods provides you with the convenience of paying your credit card bill outside the working hours and days. These are some platforms you can use to make the Standard Chartered credit card bill payment in the UAE:
How to Pay Your Credit Card Bill Standard Chartered Mobile App
To let you make your Standard Chartered Credit Card bill payment at your convenience, the bank allows you to make the credit card bill payment using SC mobile app. You can avail of this facility following these steps.
Menu -> Payments -> Pay Credit Card->Details->Next->Pin->Confirm payment after verifying the card number and the amount
Standard Chartered Credit Card Payment by Online Bank
If you are making the payment from your desktop or you do not want to use the app, you can:
Menu -> Credit Cards -> Credit Card Payment Details->Next->Pin->Confirm payment after verifying the card number and the amount
Standard Chartered Credit Card Payment by Auto Debit
Missing the due dates of payment not only cost you additional penalties but also hampers your credit Score. Standard Chartered Bank ensures that you do not miss out on Standard Chartered Credit Card payment due date by providing you with the auto-debit option. Every month, the bank will automatically deduct a specified amount from your bank account. You can register for the Auto Debit facility at your nearest bank branch, by registering online or through a Mobile Banking app.
To register for this facility:
Account transfer from another bank
You can also choose to transfer funds from one bank account to the other.
Since the payment is not facilitated by the Standard Chartered, it may take some time to receive the payment. You can use an alternative method of making instant payment.
Standard Chartered Credit Card Payment by Phone Wallet
Phone Wallet is one of the most convenient methods of making your Standard Chartered Credit Card bill payment online in less than a minute from any bank in the UAE. All you need to is enter your card details and debit card number in the app. Some of the most trusted apps in the UAE are:
In case of an emergency where you are not able to make your Standard Chartered Credit Card bill payment online or offline, you may consider paying through another bank’s credit card. However, it is not a suggested mode of payment since it does not clear your debt. While there is no facility to make direct Standard Chartered Credit Card bill payment from another bank’s credit card, you can use these methods to make payments indirectly:
Please note, you can choose to make full payment on your Standard Chartered Credit Card bill or you can also opt to pay the minimum amount due or above. However, it is advised that you make complete payment to avoid additional interest rates levied on the pending balance.