Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Personal Loan for Expats

Personal Loan up to 8 times your Salary

Personal Loan in UAE
  • Minimum Salary 5000 AED
  • EMI Tenure up to 48 Months
  • Lowest Interest Rates

Get personal loan at Lowest Interest Rate

Abu Dhabi
Ras Al Khaimah

Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank offers personal loans at low rates of interest for expatriates living in  the UAE. With benefits like credit life insurance and high salary multiples, this ADCB personal loan is perfectly suitable for the expats. Under this loan category, the borrower can earn TouchPoints on their loan amount.

ADCB Personal Loan Interest Rate for Expats

The Interest Rate for expats starts from 6.25% per annum. 

Features and Benefits of ADCB Personal Loan for Expats

Feature Availability

Early Settlement Fee

Yes, 1.5% of outstanding

Free credit card


Free Cheque Book


Salary Transfer


Free Insurance Coverage


Phone Banking


Salary Overdraft


Detailed below are the features and benefits of personal loan for expats in the UAE: 

High Salary Multiples

The ADCB bank personal loan for expats offers the highest salary multiples to the applicant. 

Long Repayment Period

Another benefit of the personal loan for expats is the availability of the longest tenure for repayment. 

Low Rate of Interest

ADCB personal loan interest rate for the personal loan is considerably low. 

Loan Consolidation

The borrower can avail the facility of consolidation of loans on this personal loan. 

Easy Documentation

The application process for taking this personal loan for expats is very simple including, thanks to easy documentation.

Credit Life Insurance

In case of the borrower’s demise or total permanent disability, it offers a benefit of credit life insurance that provides cover for the debt.

Complimentary Credit Card

The borrower gets the benefit of a complimentary adcb credit card

Salary Overdraft

The borrowers can avail salary overdraft for up to two times.


The borrower may earn TouchPoints on each 1000 AED of the loan amount (10,000 AED and more). 

TouchPoints Net Loan Amount


150,000 AED or less


More than 150,000 AED

ADCB Personal Loan for Expats - Frequently Asked Questions

Q1- How can I apply for the adcb personal loan

You can apply for this loan online, through phone banking or by visiting the nearest branch of ADCB. 

Q2- How many salary overdrafts can I avail on this personal loan? 

You can avail a maximum of 2 overdrafts. 

Q3- Do I get any insurance cover in case of employment loss (involuntary)? 

Yes. You get covered for monthly repayments on your personal loan in case of involuntary employment loss. 

Q4- What is credit life insurance? 

ADCB offers insurance cover for the payment of the debt in case of the demise, loss of employment, or total permanent disability of the borrower.

Q5- Is there any early settlement fee charged on this loan?

The borrower is charged an early settlement depending on the type of loan. There is a 1.5% fee for early settlement of ADCB personal loans and a 5% fee for early settlement of personal loans from other banks.

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