Personal Loan For Business in Dubai

Personal Loan up to 8 times your Salary

Personal Loan in UAE
  • Minimum Salary 5000 AED
  • EMI Tenure up to 48 Months
  • Lowest Interest Rates

Get personal loan at Lowest Interest Rate

Abu Dhabi
Ras Al Khaimah

When starting your new business, a business loan would be among the first things that come to your mind in case you need specific funds for the same. However, business loans are usually offered to renowned companies and take various factors into consideration such as the loan purpose, business profile, and so on. Considering the terms, obtaining a business loan in UAE can be daunting.

Personal loans in UAE play an important role in helping individuals overcome this situation. You can raise funds for your business through a personal loan, which is a type of unsecured loan and offers a host of benefits. 

Can I Get a Personal Loan for Business in Dubai?

Yes, various providers in the UAE offer personal loans that can be used to fund a new or existing business. However, before applying for a personal loan for business in Dubai, it is essential to check the eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, documents required to apply for the same, and so on. 

It is advisable to approach your preferred lender and be clear about your purpose of taking out a personal loan in the UAE.

Personal loans for business in Dubai can be used for various projects as listed below –

  • Expansion of your business
  • Marketing purposes
  • Buying equipment for business-related purposes
  • Funding new business venture
  • Covering expenses associated with your business

When you apply for a personal loan for business in Dubai, you should provide accurate information about your intentions of taking out a personal loan for business in Dubai, including projected cash flow statements, business model, and so on.

Compare and apply best personal loan

Pros of Obtaining a Personal Loan for Business in Dubai

Personal loans for business in Dubai can be a convenient option for many Dubai residents. Besides their easy approvals, personal loans also make for a good choice for expats with their features like competitive interest rates, flexible repayment terms, and a high degree of flexibility. 

Let's take a quick look at some of the other significant benefits of taking out a personal loan for business in Dubai – 

  • Personal loans are unsecured loans and don’t require any collateral, which makes them a good option to obtain funds for business purposes
  • Compared to business loans, these loans come with more affordable interest rates
  • You can easily repay the personal loan at your convenience - the repayment period can be as short as six months and as long as 5 years
  • Several institutions in the UAE provide personal loans in multiple currencies
  • Personal loans for business in Dubai require less documentation and paperwork, making the approval process shorter and ensuring a quick transfer of funds 
  • If you have exhausted all other alternatives to avail of credit, personal loans might be the only choice at hand

Top Personal Loan for Business in Dubai

Discussed below are the key features of the plan related to personal loan for businesses in Dubai - 

SimplyLife by Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank 

Personal loans offered by SimplyLife can be used for a variety of purposes, including financing your business. Salaried UAE resident expatriates working for employers present in the list of approved companies can apply for the loan. 

One of the main benefits of a personal loan for Business in Dubai by Simply Life is that you can easily top-up a loan in case your salary is increased or you are yet to completely utilise the eligibility set by the lending institution.

Given below are the key features and benefits of personal loan for business in Dubai by SimplyLife - 

  • You can borrow up to a maximum of AED 500,000
  • Interest rates are charged on a reducing basis as per your income and the repayment period. Generally, the interest rate charged by the bank is 6.99%
  • You won’t be required to submit any collateral to obtain personal loans for business in Dubai
  • SimplyLife also provides personal loans to individuals new to the UAE or an employer
  • The minimum salary required for procuring a personal loan for business in Dubai is AED 5,000, although the exact limit would vary as per the customer profile and income
  • A salary transfer letter, a copy of your valid passport, and three months’ bank statements are the three essential documents required to apply for this personal loan. However, the bank may ask for additional documents, including a salary certificate, labour card, assignment letter, and more
  • SimplyLife gives the benefit of postponing loan installments. Generally, you would be eligible for two loan installment postponements every calendar year.
  • No extra charges would be applied if you settle the loan early
Click here to Apply for this Personal Loan for Business

Check loan eligibility and apply personal loan


A personal loan can be a good option to accomplish your business goals if you need money quickly and your fund requirement is low. Most of the leading banks and lending institutions in Dubai provide funds within one business day with minimal documentation and paperwork.

As a popular and viable option, many lending institutions offer personal loans for businesses in Dubai. However, it is advisable to approach the lender and know the restrictions on using personal loans before diving in. You should also examine your business prospects and assess the potential outcomes and repercussions.  To learn more about personal loans in UAE, you can also visit and check out the ‘Personal Loans in UAE’ section to get more details, compare the available plans, and apply for the same within a few clicks.
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